Blog Highlights Team UA

My Feedback to the Ad Hoc Committee on the Composition of Senate

As Vice President University Affairs, a student senator, and a student, I have the following requests for the Ad Hoc Committee to Review the Composition of Senate. I owe some of these suggestions to Nicholas Dunn in 2017, Tre Mansdoerfer in 2018, and Madeleine Wilson in 2019. Dunn and Wilson requested early revisions of the […]

Blog Highlights Team UA

Our ATI Workshop in Brief

On Wednesday September 25, the University Affairs Secretary General and I held a ‘access to information request workshop’. To those who couldn’t make it to our workshop on Wednesday, don’t worry! The highlights are reported on here and immortalized for as long as this site (or the Internet archive) is up. Those requesting access to […]

Blog Highlights Team UA

The State of Deadnaming

Originally written at the end of summer. Some things may have changed. Deadnaming at McGill is an issue floating around all trans people. We accidentally out ourselves while using the printer or logging into MyCourses, we have the wrong name read out on attendance sheets, and we are baffled by the randomness of our deadnames […]

Highlights Team UA

The Official Record of Senate

The philosophy of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised (RONR) is that “the minutes should contain mainly a record of what was done at the meeting, not what was said by the members. The minutes must never reflect the secretary’s opinion, favorable or otherwise, on anything said or done”. I would argue that there are […]

Blog Highlights Team UA

A Disquieting Trend for Student Input at McGill

The SSMU VP University Affairs  supplies McGill committees with student members. I take this as a serious responsibility. Students have a stake in where our tuition goes, our education, and the services offered to us. Often we can offer personal experience and we can advocate for improvements without having alternative interests. Student participation is even […]

Blog Team UA

 Apply to be an Undergraduate Rep on a University Committee

There are as many as 41 University-level committees, to which there are 118 undergraduate student representatives. McGill University is huge, and most of the groundwork for new initiatives on campus begins in such committees. Most of these committees have a low time commitment, meeting only 2-3 times per semester. If you are interested in enacting […]