Highlights Team UA

Welcome to the Term: September 15th Council Report


Welcome to a new school year! My name is Erin Sobat and I’m incredibly excited to be serving as your SSMU VP University Affairs for 2016-2017. The UA team is responsible for university representation and academic affairs; research, advocacy, and policy development; equity programming and complaints; and the Library Improvement Fund. You can always get in touch via email or drop by my office hours on Thursdays between 10:00AM-12:00PM. Check out my first report to the SSMU Legislative Council to find out what I’ve been up to!

Some project highlights:

Fall goals completed to-date (italics = since last report):

By Erin Sobat

I'm a fifth year student in History and Cultural Studies, and I'm incredibly excited to be serving as your VP University Affairs! I love biking around town, exploring new restaurants, attending concerts, and visiting museums. Montreal has so much to offer, and I hope you take advantage of those opportunities during your time here. Feel free to shoot me an email at any time with questions or concerns about your university experience.