In my ‘Topics: Queer Cultures’ class, taught by Steven Greenwood, we learned about the myth of progress. It’s the comforting notion that the quality of life for minorities increases with time, as society progresses towards a rational, equitable ideal. We are better than the barbarians of our past. This myth has two ramifications, first dismissing […]
Category: Team UA
I’ve become known at Legislative Council (LC) for my succinct answers to the ‘Motion Template’ prompts, often to the frustration of other councillors. It’s the line I draw between respecting the norms of the assembly (having a template) and my personal philosophy about empowering rather than restraining a governing body. But I wanted to elaborate […]
These are my initial thoughts reading the proposed revisions to the Policy Concerning the Rights of Students with Disabilities, as presented at Senate for information on January 15th. It will be approved by Senate later this semester. A Broad Look Revisions to the Policy About Disabilities (my name for the policy, which has changed name […]
Bill 21 is an act that forbids many civil servants, including police officers, teachers, and government lawyers , from wearing religious symbols. The Act directly impacts all religious individuals who wear religious symbols – kippahs, turbans, hijabs, and more. However, the stakes are especially significant for Muslim women. As of November 22, 100 per cent […]
The “this sucks!” phase
This was written yesterday, December 3, then edited and published today. As I write, the SSMU newsletter has announced the special general assembly on Thursday, to consider a motion to remove the President. I get the frustration. I was loosely involved in the development of a gender neutral bathroom motion, to bring the number of […]
On November 7 I attended McGill’s annual joint meeting of the Board of Governors and Senate. The theme was “Exploring Transformations to Adapt to New Opportunities and Challenges Facing McGill”. Maryse Bertrand, chair of the Board of Governors, and President Deep Saini spent about 10 minutes bantering about whether transformation was “needed” or “imperative”. I’m […]