Blog Team UA Uncategorized

The “this sucks!” phase

This was written yesterday, December 3, then edited and published today. As I write, the SSMU newsletter has announced the special general assembly on Thursday, to consider a motion to remove the President. I get the frustration. I was loosely involved in the development of a gender neutral bathroom motion, to bring the number of […]

Blog The Senators' Corner Uncategorized

Senate Caucus Biweekly Report: Feb 27th 2018 – Mar 19th 2018

Spring is officially here! As we approach the end of the semester the Senators are beginning to wrap up their projects – read about it here in their latest biweekly report! You can also find our previous biweekly reports here, or in the Senators’ blog. A few highlights: Worked on the implementation of the Course Syllabi […]