As our first month of orientation and training is wrapping up, we’re working hard to kick off portfolio committees and term projects! There have been many developments in the University Affairs portfolio, from consultations on the draft McGill Policy Against Sexual Violence to the launch of registration for our 2nd Annual Student Academic Summit (sign up by Friday, […]
Author: Erin Sobat
I'm a fifth year student in History and Cultural Studies, and I'm incredibly excited to be serving as your VP University Affairs! I love biking around town, exploring new restaurants, attending concerts, and visiting museums. Montreal has so much to offer, and I hope you take advantage of those opportunities during your time here. Feel free to shoot me an email at any time with questions or concerns about your university experience.
Welcome to a new school year! My name is Erin Sobat and I’m incredibly excited to be serving as your SSMU VP University Affairs for 2016-2017. The UA team is responsible for university representation and academic affairs; research, advocacy, and policy development; equity programming and complaints; and the Library Improvement Fund. You can always get in […]
As an undergraduate student on the downtown campus, you are automatically a SSMU member. SSMU defends your interests to the University, the local community, and the government. It’s your advocate and support, providing you with resources and opportunities, ensuring that your money is put to good use, and voicing your concerns to the University and […]