Work for us next year! Job Opportunities & March 9th Council Report

SSMU is hiring for 2017-2018! Work under the University Affairs portfolio or in another area at SSMU. Available positions include University Affairs Secretary General, Equity Commissioner, and much more. The deadline to apply is March 31, 2017. Contact SSMU Human Resources with your questions or visit recruitment drop-in hours between 11am-4pm every Monday and Wednesday in March.

Wondering what University Affairs staff do? Check out this week’s Report of the VP University Affairs to Legislative Council for some ideas. Recent UA highlights include:

Winter goals completed to-date (italics = since last report):


Fostering Post-Secondary Success: Support Programming for Students from Foster Care

SSMU University Affairs has released a new research report, entitled Fostering Post-Secondary Success: Support Programming for Students from Foster Care. This document examines current issues faced by students from the welfare system and their transition to post-secondary education, as well as targeted recruitment, retention, and support strategies in place at other institutions. A survey of student experiences and existing programming indicates that McGill University provides no dedicated support resources for this population, nor do they currently collect relevant demographic data beyond some financial aid applications.

The report makes clear that much more can be done to promote educational access and success for students from foster care entering McGill. Proposed recommendations include developing dedicated financial aid opportunities; conducting targeted outreach and recruitment campaigns; creating specific student mentorship and psychological support programs; and collecting comprehensive data on student admissions and experiences. Any questions regarding the report can be directed to the VP University Affairs.


Fleeting February: Policies, Policies & more Policies

Despite being the shortest month, February sure has been hectic! Reading Week is close, so let’s push through this last week until the break. In the meantime, check out my February 23rd Report to the Legislative Council for all of the updates.

Recent UA highlights:

  • McGill Senate approved a motion to formally recognize & celebrate Black History Month every year
  • Proposed Policy Against Ancillary Fee Increases will be presented to the Winter General Assembly
  • Bringing SSMU Policy against Unpaid Internships, revised Equity Policy and revised Indigenous Solidarity Policy to Legislative Council this week for approval
  • Releasing research report on students coming from foster care in the coming days
  • Currently reviewing new draft Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) from the administration

Winter goals completed to-date (italics = since last report):

Board of Governors, Unpaid Internships & Student Support: February 9th Council Report

SSMU Executive nominations are now open! Find more information on requirements and the nominations process here. Check out our February 9th Report to the Legislative Council to learn more about the busy upcoming month of advocacy projects.

Recent UA highlights:

  • Submitted motions to February 15th Senate meeting regarding formal recognition of Black History Month & review of Board of Governors practices
  • Circulated joint letter from McGill Communities Council (MCC) regarding concerns with Board of Governors (related to recommendations from SSMU research report)
  • Bringing Policy against Unpaid Internship, revised Equity Policy and revised Indigenous Solidarity Policy to SSMU Legislative Council this week (first readings)
  • Currently determining best means to address ongoing issues with implementation & communication of new “stepped care” model in Student Services
  • Working with Social Equity & Diversity Education (SEDE) Office, Campus Life & Engagement (CL&E), Scholarships & Student Aid Office (SSAO), Enrolment Services & other units to develop more targeted student support programs (first generation students, students from foster care, etc)
  • Open Educational Resources Researcher is presenting at Legislative Council meeting this week!

Winter goals completed to-date (italics = since last report):

Striving to Place: The First Generation Student Experience at McGill University

SSMU University Affairs has released a new research report, entitled Striving to Place: The First Generation Student Experience at McGill University. This document examines current issues faced by first generation students at McGill as well as targeted recruitment, retention, and support strategies in place at other institutions. A survey of student experiences and existing programming indicates that McGill University provides no dedicated support resources for this population, nor do they currently collect relevant demographic data beyond financial aid applications.

The report makes clear that much more can be done to promote educational access and success for first generation students at McGill. Proposed recommendations include developing dedicated financial aid opportunities; conducting targeted outreach and recruitment; creating specific student mentorship and psychoeducational initiatives; and collecting comprehensive data on student admissions and experiences. Any questions regarding the report can be directed to the VP University Affairs.

Do my Job! Exec Info Session, Shadowing Program, & January 26th Council Report

Think you could be the next VP University Affairs? This is your chance! Executive nominations open on Monday, January 30th, and we’re hosting a SSMU Executive Info Session for you to learn more about the role. In addition, you can now sign up for our “A Day in the Life” shadowing program in order to spend a day (or an afternoon) with any Executive and see what their job really entails. Finally, as always, you can check out my bi-weekly Report to the Legislative Council for the latest updates on UA projects & responsibilities.

Recent UA highlights:

  • Asked Senate question regarding Board of Governors reform at the January 18th meeting
  • Met with Deputy Provost & university committees to advocate for faculty mental health literacy training
  • Meeting with VP Student Life & Student Services to discuss issues with transition to stepped care & student consultation going forward
  • Working with McGill Communities Council (MCC) to address concerns with Board of Governors & advocate for recommendations from SSMU research report
  • Met with Social Equity & Diversity Education (SEDE) Office, Campus Life & Engagement (CL&E), Scholarships & Student Aid Office (SSAO), & Enrolment Services regarding student diversity in enrolment
  • Attended AVEQ Members’ Assembly in Chicoutimi & provided student feedback on government consultations for university sexual violence legislation


Winter goals completed to-date (italics = since last report):

  • Organized Student Senator Info Session
  • Hosted Add-Drop “Know Your Student Rights” campaign
  • Completed research report on first generation students at McGill