Winter is Here: Term Goals & January 12th Council Report

Happy New Year and welcome to the Winter term! I hope that you enjoyed your holiday break and are feeling refreshed. This week, we’re running our semesterly “Know Your Rights” campaign to inform students of their academic rights at McGill. You can check out our website and Facebook event to learn more.

In addition, if you’re interested in learning more about the role of a student senator and/or SSMU Executive, we’ll be hosting info sessions on both topics later this month! The Student Senator Info Session will be on Monday, January 23rd from 5:30-6:30pm and will feature a presentation on university governance, the senator role, and perspectives from your 2016-2017 senators.

Start-of-year highlights:

  • Submitted Senate question regarding McGill governance best practices;
  • Launched Winter Add-Drop “Know Your Rights” campaign;
  • Association of McGill University Support Employees (AMUSE) holding a Ratification General Assembly for their new collective agreement on January 9th;
  • Providing feedback on terms of reference for Sexual Violence Policy advisory committee (implementation plan) & campus study panel (review of existing policies e.g. Code of Conduct);
  • Preparing research report on support for students coming from foster care;
  • Library Improvement Fund made first round of allocations in early December;
  • Met with staff from Office of Innovation in December regarding adopting a humanitarian licensing framework for health innovations (as per our Global Access to Medicines Policy);
  • Met with project manager for Promenade Urbaine construction to discuss accessibility issues;
  • Hired Harmful Military Technology Researcher to begin work this term.

Check out our January 12th Council report to learn more about plans for the Winter term.


Final Fall Update: December 1st Council Report

How is it almost December already? Procrastinate from your exam studying by reading our December 1st Council Report to learn where planned projects have landed this term!

Stay tuned for a January progress report along with revised goals for the Winter 2017 term.

Recent UA highlights:

  • The McGill Policy against Sexual Violence was unanimously approved by McGill Senate on November 23rd (now awaiting final approval by the Board of Governors on December 1st);
  • We are recruiting volunteers for the January Know Your Rights campaign; sign up by December 9th!
  • Student Services has implemented a new category of “urgent appointments” for Counselling and Mental Health Services, beginning December 1st;
  • We submitted a question regarding Faculty internship programs to the December Senate meeting;
  • The Association of McGill University Support Employees (AMUSE) has reached a tentative agreement with the administration; more details will be announced in the coming weeks;
  • The VP UA is currently working with Universities Allied for Essential Medicines (UAEM) & the Associate Vice-Principal (Innovation) to implement a global access licensing framework for health innovations;
  • We are recruiting for a new Harmful Military Technology Researcher; apply by December 8th!

Fall goals completed to-date (italics = since last report):

Late Semester Slowdown: November 14th Council Report

It’s that time of term: days are getting shorter, policies still aren’t writing themselves, and it’s hard to find energy to keep pushing projects forward. But the work continues, and you can check out the details in my November 17th Council Report. Also, don’t forget to vote for the SSMU Fall Referenda and General Assembly Ratification, ballots for which can be found at!

Recent UA highlights:

  • The final draft of the McGill Policy Against Sexual Violence, including many of our recommended changes, will be presented for approval at the November 23rd Senate meeting
  • We met with Student Services & the Dean of Students to voice our concerns with new medical note policies (documentation will only be provided to students already followed by a clinician or who qualify for restrictive “safety appointments”)
  • The VP University Affairs participated in a 3-day cyclical review of Enrolment Services (Service Point, Exams Office, Registrar, Admissions, & more), during which they provided detailed input based on student consultation
  • Senators submitted Senate questions regarding campus accessibility during construction & university regulation of unpaid internships
  • We continue to update the Student Rights website & develop Faculty association partnerships in preparation for the January “Know Your Rights” campaign (volunteer recruitment launching soon)
  • Mid-term performance evaluations are in-progress for portfolio student staff

Fall goals completed to-date (italics = since last report):

Over the Hump? Strikes, Medical Notes, & Service Point (November 3rd Council Report)

Another month gone! I hope it feels like you’re over the hump of midterms, although there’s still a ways to go. If you haven’t heard, the Association of McGill University Support Employees (AMUSE) is on strike through Wednesday, November 2nd. This means a full work stoppage is in force for all AMUSE members by law. Casual employees should check their pay stubs if they are unsure of their union status, and visit the AMUSE website to learn more (including about essential services and strike pay).

You should also watch for a new University Affairs listserv hitting your inbox soon. Otherwise, please check out my November 3rd Council Report for all the latest updates.

Recent highlights:

  • Student Services has unilaterally determined that medical notes will only be provided to students already followed by a clinician or who qualify for restrictive “safety appointments”
  • The VP University Affairs participated in a cyclical review of McGill Human Resources
  • Enrolment Services (Service Point, Exams Office, Registrar, Admissions, & more) is undergoing a cyclical review November 9th-11th; students can submit feedback here
  • Senators submitted Senate questions regarding campus accessibility during construction & university regulation of unpaid internships
  • Meetings are ongoing regarding revisions to the draft Policy Against Sexual Violence (Dean of Students, Associate Provost, Provost, external consultants, McGill Association of University Teachers, labour unions & more)

Fall goals completed to-date (italics = since last report):

Mid-Term(s) Updates: October 20th Council Report

Can you believe that we’re almost halfway through the semester? We hope that midterms are going well and that you’re still making time for self-care!

This past weekend at the Student Academic Summit, we officially launched our SSMU University Affairs website! The site is your centralized resource for information on student representation, research, and advocacy at McGill. Check out my October 20th report for other updates from the UA portfolio.

Recent highlights:

  • Proposed revisions to draft Policy Against Sexual Violence include centralized prevention & response office, recognition of professor-student relationships, & more
  • Submitted Senate question regarding relocation of McGill Bookstore
  • McGill Enrolment Services undergoing cyclical review this November; will be collecting student feedback on Service Point, Exams Office, Registrar, Admissions, & more
  • New Senior Director of Student Services announced: Martine Gauthier will begin in January
  • Town Hall on proposed smoke-free campus next Tuesday, October 25th from 2:30-4:30pm (Redpath Museum Auditorium)
  • Organizing cultural appropriation workshop for next week

Fall goals completed to-date (italics = since last report):

Sexual Violence Policy Recommendations & Extended Summit Registration: October 13th Council Report

Registration for the 2nd Annual Student Academic Summit has been extended until this Wednesday, October 12th at 11:59PM. Sign up here to benefit from our many insightful speakers and presentations! Read my October 13th report to learn more about what’s going on this week.

Recent highlights:

  • Release of SSMU-PGSS consultation report on the draft McGill Policy Against Sexual Violence
  • Consultation surveys on classroom repairs, textbook costs, and international health insurance
  • Launch of a survivor-led campaign for Quebec legislation on campus sexual assault policies
  • Attended AVEQ Members Assembly October 8-9 at Concordia University
  • Conducting internal scan of unpaid internships & meeting with administrative offices
  • Submitted October Senate questions on bookstore relocation & regulation of unpaid internships
  • Upcoming reviews for Human Resources (October 24-26) & Enrolment Services (November 9-11)

Fall goals completed to-date (italics = since last report):