SSMU University Affairs has released a new research report, entitled Striving to Place: The First Generation Student Experience at McGill University. This document examines current issues faced by first generation students at McGill as well as targeted recruitment, retention, and support strategies in place at other institutions. A survey of student experiences and existing programming indicates that […]
Category: Team UA
Reports from student reps in McGill committees available here.
Think you could be the next VP University Affairs? This is your chance! Executive nominations open on Monday, January 30th, and we’re hosting a SSMU Executive Info Session for you to learn more about the role. In addition, you can now sign up for our “A Day in the Life” shadowing program in order to […]
Happy New Year and welcome to the Winter term! I hope that you enjoyed your holiday break and are feeling refreshed. This week, we’re running our semesterly “Know Your Rights” campaign to inform students of their academic rights at McGill. You can check out our website and Facebook event to learn more. In addition, if you’re […]
How is it almost December already? Procrastinate from your exam studying by reading our December 1st Council Report to learn where planned projects have landed this term! Stay tuned for a January progress report along with revised goals for the Winter 2017 term. Recent UA highlights: The McGill Policy against Sexual Violence was unanimously approved by McGill Senate on November 23rd […]
It’s that time of term: days are getting shorter, policies still aren’t writing themselves, and it’s hard to find energy to keep pushing projects forward. But the work continues, and you can check out the details in my November 17th Council Report. Also, don’t forget to vote for the SSMU Fall Referenda and General Assembly Ratification, ballots […]